Biscuiterie Artisanale

Les mignoteries - Biscuiterie artisanale

Biscuiterie artisanale
Home-made, greedy and generous cookie factory
100% natural - 100% addicting - 100% very good

Mignoteries is a home-made cookie factory situated in North Ardèche to St Marcel les Annonay. Familial, the cookie factory defends a greedy and generous approach where the most important rest the pleasure. Pleasure to have a rough time, but also to discover. For that reason, short-lived offers come to complete our range of biscuits according to the seasons and to our discoveries.

We favor local products and use no industrial additive, and no artificial aroma. All the home-made biscuits and the chocolat spread are without conservative.

Ingredients used for our biscuits are completely naturals: fresh eggs, flour stemming from integrated farm management, zestés citrus fruits by ourselves, dried fruits roasted before being chopped or reduced powder, whole vanilla beans and butter of very good quality.

The shaping and the putting in bag are realized by ourselves allowing us to have a very big flexibility for the personalized request.

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06 47 20 24 24
Les Mignoteries
42220 St Julien Molin Molette
General terms of sales   -   Legal notice   -   CNIL statement N°2048541   -   © 2016 - 2025  Les Mignoteries