Legal notice
The website is owned by the FAURE & Co company
S.A.R.L. with capital of 12 000 Euros
SIRET 818 663 668 00015 - NAF 1072Z - T.V.A. CEE FR 01 818 663 668
RCS Aubenas
Head office is located at the following address :
Faure & Co
9, Rue du Faubourg - 42220 St Julien Molin Molette - France
Phone : 00 336 47 20 24 24
Mail :
Director of the Content of the Website : Mme Faure Claude-Emmanuelle
Technical / Hosting contact : Mr Mike GILBLAS for Mighty Productions
Photos Credit : Mr. Maxime Leyravaud - Mr. Lucas Grenier
Terms of Use
1. LES MIGNOTERIES authorises use of this site for personal and private purposes only. Any reproduction of information contained in this site may only be made for reference purposes and is restricted to private use in the sense of article L 122-5 2 of the Intellectual Property Code (“Code de la Propriété Intellectuelle”). To make use of or to reproduce information other than under the above conditions is strictly forbidden.
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3. The information contained in this site is not exhaustive and is provided for informational purposes only. Despite the best efforts of LES MIGNOTERIES, some information may be incomplete, out of date or contain inaccuracies. LES MIGNOTERIES gives no guarantees as to the accuracy, availability, reliability or functions of this site or of the information it contains.
4. LES MIGNOTERIES is not liable to you or any third party for the information contained in this site. LES MIGNOTERIES will not be liable for any errors or omissions which may result in direct or indirect consequential loss arising from the reliability you place on this information, from the use you might make of the information and from any decision you might make on the basis of the information
5. LES MIGNOTERIES assumes no obligation to update or correct the information that is available on this site and reserves the right to modify the content at any time and without prior warning.
6. By using this website you accept the Terms of Use given above and you agree to respect them.
Intellectual Property
All materials on this site, including texts, telecharged elements, programmes, fixed or animated images, are protected by copyright.
Unless otherwise noted, all elements of intellectual property, trademarks, commercial names and logos are the property of LES MIGNOTERIES and may not be used without its permission.
It is your responsibility to respect all of the rules regarding copyright.
Privacy and Security
Any information’s about you could be checked by request sending us an addressed and stamped envelope for the answer.All information’s will be only used for the delivery needs and if necessary to inform you about promotions and animations of the FAURE & CO company, but in no way resold to other companies for advertising or others. CNIL declaration n°2048541v0.